Kant: A Biography

(WallPaper) #1
540 Index

Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 394, 47811155 180—81, 183,188, 190, 191—94, 198,
Lilienthal, Auditeur, 466^2 °3~5> 209-12, 231—32, 236, 242,
Lindner, Gottlieb Immanuel, 77, 103, 107, 245-46, 248, 254—62, 264, 273—74,^2 77,
no-ii, 119, 123, 125, 127, 160, 164, 285, 293, 306, 310, 312, 317, 321, 331,
170, 217,443n 7 8, 455n98, 4631157, 354, 358, 359-61, 377-78, 389, 395, 407,
464^2 411, 452, 469, 481, 498; of morals, xviii,
literary societies, 163, 167, 173 23,42, 74, 94, 266, 277, 283, 285, 312,
Locke, John, 67, 75, 79-80, 83, in, 178, 181, 396, 408, 457, 486, 490, 505; possibility
183, 197, 348, 375, 399, 429n25, 444^8, of, 199
457ni25, 47on23 Metzger, Johann Daniel, 4-6, 8,11, 16, 271,
Loeb, Louis E., 4Ö8ni35 314-16, 342,420-21, 423nio, 424ni3,
Lossow, Daniel Friedrich von, 128, 163 49ini86
Louis XVI, xx, 341, 375 Meyer, General von, 128
Lovejoy, Arthur, 45ini9 Michaelis, Johann David, 450m59
Lucian, 48 Mittenzwei, Ingrid, 463^3, 477ni32
Lucretius, 49, 99 , Moliere, 166
Lupin, Friedrich, 356 Möller, Hans, 495^1
Lüthe, Rudolf, 472^2 Moser, Justus, 342, 434nÖ4
Luther, Martin, 47, 336, 479m Molyneux problem, 457ni25
Lysius, Johann Heinrich, 36, 37, 68, 70, 77, monads, 68, 91, 93, 102-3, I 9 I, 447nI3*>,
44°n34 447i»38
Monk, Ray, 427^4
Maimon, Salomon, xix, xx, 214, 360, 361, Montaigne, Michel de, 22, 64, 85, 121, 130,
378, 4751197,499m23 439ni4
Majetschak, Stefan, 472n4i moral sense, 131, 144, 178, 184, 185,186,
Malebranche, Nicolas, 75, 132, 252 189, 192, 201-3,^207
Malter, Rudolf, 16-17, 4^2 3n7, 426^5, mortality, 293
428n4, 48on2Ö, 483ns 1 Morfensen, Hans and Gertrud, 428n4
Marquardt, Conrad Theophil, 68, 70, 75—6, Mortzfeld, Johann Christoph, 51, 4.241116,
81, 85, 93 434n7°, 436moi, 45Sn83, 457ni23,
Martens, Wolfgang, 44in4Ö 465^8
Martin, Gottfried, 452^8,459ni6s Motherby, Johann Benjamin, xü, xiii, 219,
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de, 141, 223, 228—29, 273, 322-23, 334, 462^6,
445nio6 476nii7,5o8ni2i
McClelland, Charles E., 43gni7 Motherby, Robert, xiii, 156-57
Mclntosh, Christopher, 495n31 Muretus, 48
McMullin, Ernan, 447ni32—33 mysticism, n, 35, 253, 272, 394, 395,
Meckel, Friedrich Theodor, 390 5O2n2O5
Meier, Georg Friedrich, 108-9, J36, 212,
358, 452n35 Naragon, Steve, 45in2i
Meiners, Christoph, 318, 320-21, 351, naturalism, 175-76
49oni59, 492ni99 Necker, Jacques, 340, 341
Melton, James Van Horn, 51, 432^9, needs, 3, 93, 120, 153, 200, 219, 222, 258-60,
435n82, 436^8 287, 289, 298, 344, 370, 385—86, 388-89,
Mendelssohn, Moses, xiii, xvii-xviii, xix, 406
108, 122, 135-37, I4°, T6o, 171-73, Negroes, 344
183-85, 195-96, 201, 214, 216, 230-32, Nepos, 48, 27inio8
251, 253, 268, 277, 302, 305-9, 315, Newlin, Thomas, 456
318—19, 333, 371, 373, 375, 378, 405, Newton, Isaac, 83—8, 90—1, 98, 102, 104, 129,
453n57,459ni78, 4Öoni94, 469M54, 137, 176, 304, 445nio2,447ni32-33,
478ni55, 484^, 489ni35, 494mg 44^143, 45ini8, 457ni34, 489ni26
Merlan, Philip, 455^6 Nicolai, Friedrich, xxi, 301, 391, 454^8,
metaphysics, xvii, 1, 71, 73, 75, 79, 84-6, 88, 488m 12, 499ni32, 504^7
90, 100, 104, 108, 110, 118,125, 131-34, Nicolovius, Friedrich, 6, 383
137-38, 141, 159, 161-62, 172-75, 178, Niemeyer, August Hermann, 379

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