found it, and his originality consists in giving to an old story
some present human interest, making it express the life and
ideals of his own age. In this respect the "Knight’s Tale" is
remarkable. Its names are those of an ancient civilization,
but its characters are men and women of the English nobility
as Chaucer knew them. In consequence the story has many
anachronisms, such as the mediæval tournament before the
temple of Mars; but the reader scarcely notices these things,
being absorbed in the dramatic interest of the narrative.
Briefly, the "Knight’s Tale" is the story of two young men,
fast friends, who are found wounded on the battlefield and
taken prisoners to Athens. There from their dungeon win-
dow they behold the fair maid Emily; both fall desperately
in love with her, and their friendship turns to strenuous ri-
valry. One is pardoned; the other escapes; and then knights,
empires, nature,–the whole universe follows their desperate
efforts to win one small maiden, who prays meanwhile to be
delivered from both her bothersome suitors. As the best of
theCanterbury Talesare now easily accessible, we omit here all
quotations. The story must be read entire, with the Prioress’
tale of Hugh of Lincoln, the Clerk’s tale of Patient Griselda,
and the Nun’s Priest’s merry tale of Chanticleer and the Fox,
if the reader would appreciate the variety and charm of our
first modern poet and story-teller.
FORM OF CHAUCER’S POETRY.There are three principal
meters to be found in Chaucer’s verse. In theCanterbury Tales
he uses lines of ten syllables and five accents each, and the
lines run in couplets
His eyen twinkled in his heed aright
As doon the sterres in the frosty night.
The same musical measure, arranged in seven-line stanzas,
but with a different rime, called the Rime Royal, is found in
its most perfect form inTroilus.