ence insisting, like children at "Punch and Judy," upon see-
ing the same things year after year. No originality in plot
or treatment was possible, therefore; the only variety was in
new songs and jokes, and in the pranks of the devil. Childish
as such plays seem to us, they are part of the religious de-
velopment of all uneducated people. Even now the Persian
play of the "Martyrdom of Ali" is celebrated yearly, and the
famous "Passion Play," a true Miracle, is given every ten years
at Oberammergau.
periods are not historically accurate Theauthor uses them to
emphasize three different views of our earliest playsrather
than to suggest that there was any orderly or chronologi-
caldevelopment from Miracle to Morality and thence to the
Interludes Thelatter is a prevalent opinion, but it seems
hardly warranted by the factsThus, though the Miracles pre-
cede the Moralities by two centuries (thefirst known Moral-
ity, "The Play of the Lord’s Prayer," mentioned by Wyclif,was
given probably about 1375), some of the best known Moral-
ities, like"Pride of Life," precede many of the later York Mir-
acles And the termInterlude, which is often used as symbol-
ical of the transition from themoral to the artistic period of
the drama, was occasionally used in England(fourteenth cen-
tury) as synonymous with Miracle and again (sixteenthcen-
tury) as synonymous with Comedy That the drama had these
three stagesseems reasonably certain; but it is impossible to
fix the limits of any oneof them, and all three are sometimes
seen together in one of the laterMiracles of the Wakefield cy-
cle^109 The second or moral period of the drama is shown by
the increasing prevalence of the Morality plays. In these the
characters were allegorical personages,–Life, Death, Repen-
tance, Goodness, Love, Greed, and other virtues and vices.
The Moralities may be regarded, therefore, as the dramatic
counterpart of the once popular allegorical poetry exempli-