English Literature

(Amelia) #1


ESSAYS. Emerson’s Books, in Society and Solitude;
Dowden’s The Interpretation of Literature, in Tran-
scripts and Studies (Kegan Paul & Co.), and The
Teaching of English Literature, in New Studies in
Literature (Houghton, Mifflin); The Study of Liter-
ature, Essays by Morley, Nicolls, and L. Stephen,
edited by A.F. Blaisdell (Willard Small).
CRITICISM. Gayley and Scott’s An Introduction to
the Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism
(Ginn and Company); Winchester’s Principles of
Literary Criticism (Macmillan); Worsfold’s Princi-
ples of Criticism (Longmans); Johnson’s Elements
of Literary Criticism (American Book Company);
Saintsbury’s History of Criticism (Dodd, Mead).
POETRY. Gummere’s Handbook of Poetics (Ginn
and Company); Stedman’s The Nature and El-
ements of Poetry (Houghton, Mifflin); John-
son’s The Forms of English Poetry (American
Book Company); Alden’s Specimens of English
Verse (Holt); Gummere’s The Beginnings of Po-
etry (Macmillan); Saintsbury’s History of English
Prosody (Macmillan).
THE DRAMA. Caffin’s Appreciation of the Drama
(Baker & Taylor Co.).THE NOVEL. Raleigh’s The
English Novel (Scribner); Hamilton’s The Materi-
als and Methods of Fiction (Baker & Taylor Co.).
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