into the most polished and intellectual people in all Europe.
The union of Norse and French (i.e. Roman-Gallic) blood had
here produced a race having the best qualities of both,–the
will power and energy of the one, the eager curiosity and
vivid imagination of the other. When these Norman-French
people appeared in Anglo-Saxon England they brought with
them three noteworthy things a lively Celtic disposition, a
vigorous and progressive Latin civilization, and a Romance
language.^41 We are to think of the conquerors, therefore, as
they thought and spoke of themselves in the Domesday Book
and all their contemporary literature, not as Normans but as
Franci, that is, Frenchmen.
THE CONQUEST. At the battle of Hastings (1066) the
power of Harold, last of the Saxon kings, was broken, and
William, duke of Normandy, became master of England. Of
the completion of that stupendous Conquest which began at
Hastings, and which changed the civilization of a whole na-
tion, this is not the place to speak. We simply point out three
great results of the Conquest which have a direct bearing on
our literature. First, notwithstanding Cæsar’s legions and
Augustine’s monks, the Normans were the first to bring the
culture and the practical ideals of Roman civilization home to
the English people; and this at a critical time, when England
had produced her best, and her own literature and civiliza-
tion had already begun to decay. Second, they forced upon
England the national idea, that is, a strong, centralized gov-
ernment to replace the loose authority of a Saxon chief over
his tribesmen. And the world’s history shows that without a
great nationality a great literature is impossible. Third, they
brought to England the wealth of a new language and liter-
ature, and our English gradually absorbed both. For three
(^41) A Romance language is one whose basis is Latin,–not theclassic language
of literature, but a vulgar or popular Latin spoken in themilitary camps and
provinces Thus Italian, Spanish, and French wereoriginally different dialects of
the vulgar Latin, slightly modified by themingling of the Roman soldiers with
the natives of the conquered provinces.