Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

Chapter 8 – Practices on the Etheric Body

Let us now proceed with the continuation of the channel release
techniques. Having gained, in Chapters 4 and 6, more familiarity
with the vibration and its circulations, we are now moving to the
next stage: the awareness of the whole body of energy, or etheric
It is preferable not to implement the exercises of this chapter
right at the beginning of a session. Start with a few channel
release practices to warm up your etheric body.

8.1 The etheric layer as a whole

Sit in a meditation position with your back straight. Keep your
eyes closed throughout the practice.
Rub your hands and become motionless for a few seconds, with the
palms upwards. Become aware of the vibration in the hands and in
the eye. Use the throat friction to intensify the vibration, and to
connect the eye and the hands.
Implement channel release on a few meridians, as indicated in
section 6.3.
Then become aware of the vibration in all the lines on which you
have worked before simultaneously: awareness of all the meridians
at the same time. Connect everything to your eye through the
Then become aware of the layer of the vibration as a whole.
Awareness of all that is vibrating, inside and around your body.
Let your perception be completely absorbed in the vibration.
When you feel the vibration all over your body, and nothing other
than the vibration, it means you have completely shifted your
awareness from the physical into the etheric body.

8.2 The life ether

Repeat practice 8.1: get into the perception of the etheric layer as
a whole. Remain completely motionless, feeling the vibration all
over your body.
Then try to discern: where is the life force in this vibration?
What is it that keeps your physical body alive? Tune into the life

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