Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

  • It can be interesting to repeat this practice in different
    circumstances, for instance one or two hours after a heavy meal.

8.4 Exploring the limits

Become aware of the layer of the vibration as a whole, as in
practice 8.1. How far does the vibration extend beyond the limits
of your physical body?
Is the vibration inside your physical body similar to the vibration
outside it? What difference in quality can you feel between the
vibration inside and outside?
Continue exploring the vibration outside the limits of your
physical body. Does it have sharp limits? Does your vibration
mingle with that of any object around you?

8.5 Exploring the circulations of the etheric

Become aware of the layer of the vibration as a whole, as in
practice 8.1. Suppose you had the task of re-inventing acupuncture.
Explore the layer of the vibration, searching for circulations. Look
for anything feeling like a flow inside the body of vibration.
Start with the whole body. Become aware of the body of energy as
a whole and look for circulations.
Are some of these circulations more intense than others? Are
there big and small ones?
Qualitatively, can you perceive differences between various flows?
Do some of them feel warmer, and others cooler? Do some
communicate a feeling similar to one of the four elements (fire,
water, air or earth)?
Explore part after part: the head, the neck, the shoulders and the
top of the chest, the arms, the chest, the abdomen above the
navel, the abdomen below the navel, the legs.
Then go back to the perception of the etheric body as a whole, of
the vibration all over the body.
Repeat the sequence a few times.

8.6 The etheric vibration outside your body

This exercise is best practised in nature, in a forest for example.
However, a backyard with a bit of grass and one or two trees is
enough. A few pot-plants and a cat will also do!
Do a short third eye meditation (section 3.7) and then implement
practice 8.1 to reconnect with the whole layer of vibration inside
yourself. Feel the life force vibration permeating your body. At

Chapter 8 – Practices on the Etheric Body

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