Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

eyebrows. Whatever you wish to contact, sense from between the
It is not uncommon for people to forget and try to do everything
from their ordinary mind, ‘from their head’. And of course, they
can't feel anything. But as soon as you remind them to go back
into the eye and try to perceive from there, they immediately get
in touch with the vibration of the object.

  • Certain streams and lakes have a particularly rich quality of
    vibration and communicate beautiful soul forces when you tune
    into them. So does the ocean. Spending time in nature will help
    develop your perception. Apart from enhancing your experience of
    the vibration, tuning into the forces of nature will bring about
    vast realisations.

8.7 Vibration meals

As the perception of the vibration becomes more familiar, it is
essential to integrate it into your daily activities. This will add
another dimension to your palette of conscious experiences.
At meal times, for instance, play with the vibration. Feel it in the
food before and while eating. Food swallowed without perception is
like poison to your soul. Feeling the vibration will give you
completely different views on the value of certain foodstuffs.
Some very nice-looking dishes suddenly appear horrible. Some
uninteresting plain ones become fascinating.
Compare the vibration of frozen foods, canned foods, microwave-
cooked dishes... Can you feel any difference between organic and
non-organic fruits and vegetables?
Apply your perception when doing your shopping. You will find
that some vegetables almost jump into your hands.
During digestion it is also quite informative to tune into your
stomach (just below the heart, behind the left ribs) and try to
sense the vibration in this organ while it performs the first part
of digestion. You will immediately realize that different foods
create quite different types of vibration.

8.8 The vibration in your bath

Get into a bath.
It is not only your shoulders but also the back of your head and
your ears that should be immersed in the water. A good position is
to lie in the water with your legs crossed, roughly the same way
as when you sit cross-legged. Then your trunk and your head will

Chapter 8 – Practices on the Etheric Body

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