float harmoniously and effortlessly. Keep your arms by your sides
rather than on the belly, to expand the chest.
However, if your legs are bent in a position such as the one in the
figure below, which is incorrect, your trunk tends to sink into
the water and your abdominal muscles become tense.
If you are familiar with Hatha-yoga, you can also try to have your
bath in matsyāsana, posture of the fish.
But the position shown at the beginning of this section is quite
sufficient. You need to be able to remain comfortable and somehow
motionless for as long as possible, so it is preferable to adopt an
effortless position.
Take the position and relax in your bath for a while.
Build up the vibration in the eye and become aware of your
etheric vibration as a whole. Breathe with the throat friction. The
friction will take on a new dimension with your ears in the water.
Then become aware of the vibration of the water. Completely
forget about your body, just tune into the water. ‘Become’ the
water and feel its vibration. You will discover that not all water