excretions are supposed to be accompanied by etheric ones. But due
to what homoeopaths call the psoric miasm inherent in the
population, etheric excretions are nothing like they should be.
Become aware of your layer of vibration while passing urine or
stools. Apply yourself to passing out negative etheric vibrations at
the same time as the physical matter. You will be really surprised
at the intensity of the results and of the general wellbeing that is
- Even though they usually remain unnoticed, unexpectedly
strong energy movements take place while passing urine and, to a
lesser extent, stools. This could account for the fact that a
significant number of heart patients expire while on the toilet.
8.11 Releasing into the earth
As your capacity for etheric excretion develops, it becomes
possible to operate releases not only into water but also into the
Take off your shoes and socks, and place your soles and palms on
the earth.
Keep your eyes closed. Engage the throat friction, feel the
vibration in your eye and all over your body. Then forget about
your body and feel the vibration of the earth.
After 1 or 2 minutes start excreting etheric vibrations into the
earth. Use deep exhalations, reinforced by a strong friction. Put
unwanted vibrations into the earth while the air is coming out of
your mouth. To the earth, these are not noxious vibrations. They
will be composted and processed into renewed nature forces.
- This practice can also be efficient in releasing anger or stress.
- As with anything powerful, this technique should be used with
moderation. Otherwise a certain depletion of your energies could
8.12 Tree hugging
Here is another exercise related to etheric excretion. Next time
you are in a forest, tune in and select a big tree, one with which
you feel an affinity.
Then go and hug the tree. Get as much surface contact as possible:
as well as holding the trunk with your arms, press your chest,
your belly and your legs against it.