Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

actually be kept nearly closed. Focus all your attention at the top
of the back of the throat, behind the nasal cavity. This area, at
the roof of the pharynx, is closely associated with the metabolism
of the nectar of immortality.


  • If you are fast enough, you can also use sneezing as an energy

  • You must have noticed how contagious yawning is. In a series of
    lectures given in Kassel in June and July 1909, Rudolf Steiner
    explained that in Atlantis subconscious influences used to pass
    much more freely between human beings. A powerful man was
    able to raise his arm, and just by the play of these subconscious
    influences all the people around him would automatically feel
    compelled to lift their arm. Yawning is the last remnant of this
    type of inclination.

8.16 The right side of the ring

If you wear a ring, take it off. (If you wear several, take them all
off, so you can test them one by one.)
Close your eyes, become aware of the vibration in the eye, and of
the vibration in the corresponding finger. Use the throat friction
to amplify the feeling.
Then put the ring on, and become aware of the vibration in the
eye and the finger again. Remain motionless for half a minute or
Then take off the ring, turn it around and put it back on the
other way round. (A ring has two sides. So after you have put the
ring on the other way round, the side that was closer to the
knuckle is now further from it.)
Become motionless again, tune into the vibration in the eye and in
the finger. Implement the throat friction. Compare the vibration
with what you were feeling in the other position. The current of
vibration generated by the ring often feels quite different.
Which way is the right way? Try each position a few times, until
you can decide which feels right, ‘direct’ and supportive of your
energies, and which feels wrong, ‘retrograde’ and working against


Chapter 8 – Practices on the Etheric Body

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