Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

crossing of lines. In other words, the lines act like garbage cans
and gather all the ‘etheric dirt’ of a room.
Those houses that seem to have bad vibrations and make most
people feel uncomfortable are usually built on a grid of noxious
lines. When an entity, or non-physical parasite, is found in a
room, it is nearly always on a crossing of lines.

12.5 Energy wells

Whenever there is a dragon, there is a princess! Energy wells are
the positive counterpart of the harmful earth lines. Energy wells
are more mysterious, and certainly not as well documented as the
If you have read the adventures of Carlos Castaneda, you probably
remember how Don Juan made him look for ‘his spot’ in a room,
the place where he could be protected and safe. That is an energy
well. Energy wells are spots endowed with healing properties and
also with spiritual properties. They are places where it is easier to
pray or meditate and to connect with spiritual worlds. When an
angel wants to shed his light into a room, an energy well is a good
place for him to descend.
On the level of clairvoyance, an energy well looks like a column of
light, or one could say like a geyser of light (although they are
not associated with any modification of temperature). Often, the
diameter of the column varies between 1.5 to 2 feet – possibly
more if you find a big one.
Just as the lines may be classified according to their toxicity, so
different wells have different sizes, intensities and healing
potential. But contrary to the lines and their grid, there does not
seem to be any regular pattern of distribution of the wells – none
that I know of, anyway.

12.6 Lines and spiritual practice

If you want to learn about energy, inside you and around you, you
certainly have to take great care of the lines, for the grid of a
place determines its quality of energy, and therefore the quality
of your own energy whenever you are there.
There is no such thing as a closed living organism. Even more on
the level of energy than on the level of matter, you are
permanently involved in multiple exchanges with your
environment. To become clairvoyant and to get in touch with your
Higher Self, a deep transformation of your subtle bodies is needed.

Chapter 12 – Ley Lines, Earth Lines and Energy Wells

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