Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

therefore, if your motivation is right, the universe will support

12.18 A geography of enlightenment

If you really want to know about energy, I would suggest you
apply yourself to perceiving the lines until you reach the point
when you can know immediately where the lines are as soon as you
enter a room. It doesn't matter if you can't see them in the
beginning. But you have to develop your feeling to the point
where you can open the door, tune in, and sense where the lines
are without even having to walk through the room. This will
structure a deep connection with land energies.
Then when visiting a new place, you will automatically avoid the
lines and pick the right spot to sit. This will happen
spontaneously, you won't even have to think about it. You will just
sit somewhere, and later on realize that you have picked up an
energy well again. And if for some reason you ever happen to sit
on a line, you will immediately receive a signal from your belly,
and you will feel the desire to move. You do not even need to see
the lines clairvoyantly to reach that stage. It is enough to train
yourself to feel them systematically.
As you become more aware of these telluric energies, you will be
surprised to see that some people keep going straight from one
line to another, due to some kind of strange magnetism. If there
is a bad crossing somewhere in your lounge, they walk straight
there and sit down. If there is a spooky house available in town,
they rush to rent it. And even if their house is quite sound earth-
line-wise, they manage to put their bed on the worst crossing
they can find. In a way, you can say that these people have
developed a sensitivity to the lines! But they unconsciously use it
against themselves. These earth line kamikazes would greatly
benefit from working on their eye and learning to dowse. Yet you
find that many of them obstinately refuse to try, or even simply
to acknowledge the existence of the lines.
This leads you to feel that there is a correspondence between our
own quality of energy and the places where we sit, be it in our
own home or even in a restaurant, cinema or friend's place. This
means that many people unconsciously pick harmful spots to
perpetuate their energy disorders and imbalances. But it also means
that by systematically choosing spots of high quality energy we
can influence our state of health and consciousness positively –

Chapter 12 – Ley Lines, Earth Lines and Energy Wells

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