death and sleep. In terms of subtle bodies, sleep is a transient
separation of the astral body and Ego from the physical and
etheric, while death is a permanent one.
13.4 Angels and the chiselling of the organs of
In order to gain a direct vision of the spiritual worlds, some new
organs have to be built. It is obvious that to be able to perceive the
physical world we need physical sensory organs and nerves. In the
same way but on another level, some astral structures are needed
to perceive non-physical worlds. One of the reasons why most
human beings are presently blind to anything other than the
physical reality is that these organs of clairvoyance are lacking.
They have to be built for vision to open.
During the day, the astral body is too busy operating inside the
physical body for the building up of the new organs to take place.
Our mental consciousness, and therefore our astral body, is
directed towards the physical world. The astral body gets saturated
with the physical perceptions it receives from the senses via the
brain. It is therefore during the night, when the astral body
withdraws into a life of its own, that the new instruments of
perception can be chiselled.
Now, who chisels? This is a key question! If you can answer it, not
intellectually, but through direct experience, a good part of the
work is done. As the process of initiation unfolds, you realize that
the carving of the astral organs of clairvoyance requires the
collaboration of non-physical guides and higher spiritual beings,
such as different categories of angels. These beings express
themselves creatively in us, planting new seeds and forming new
structures. They are trying their best to help. But the problem is
that it is not always possible for them to approach us.
This tragedy is quite common. There are many people who seem to
be desperate for spiritual progress. They go on crying, “I wish God
could help me, if only God could help me...” And if you look just
above them, what can you see? Guides and angels who keep on
whispering, “Please tune into us, please receive our light!” Instead
of lamenting, if these people could tune in, they would
immediately receive a shower of spiritual gifts.
What are the conditions that allow these higher beings to conduct
their creative chiselling work on us? First: perception, of course!
If you can perceive the angels’ action, then just by tuning into