Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

the person back to surface consciousness.
Here are a few recommendations for the person reading the

  • Make sure that nobody is lying on an earth line. If you realize
    that someone is on an earth line once the practice has begun, then
    try to sense what sort of interference is created by the line.

  • Do not read the instructions that are written inside brackets [ ].
    Each time you meet three dots in the text: “...” make a short pause
    (a few seconds or more) before resuming the sequence of
    Each time you meet three dots in brackets: “[...]” make a longer
    pause (half a minute or more).
    Most important: do the practice yourself as you give the
    instructions. For instance, become aware of the body parts while
    naming them. Then your voice will sound ‘right’, because you will
    speak from the space of the practice. There will be a
    communication of the right experience. But if you give the
    instructions while your mind is wandering onto other subjects,
    your friends will not get as much benefit from their practice.

  • Pay attention to little signs such as tension of the eyelids. When
    a participant is deep inside, the eyelids are fully relaxed and
    absolutely nothing moves in the body. If the eyelids keep
    contracting you know the person is not ‘diving’. By observing
    their breath you can also get a good sense of how deep they are.
    (These indications also apply when practising ISIS, the Clairvision
    technique of regression.)

  • Tune into the participants. Feel what they feel. Penetrate their
    experience. Try to see who gets out of their body and what they
    look like if this takes place. During the 7th phase in particular, be
    very much in the eye and in the seeingness. Try to perceive if
    some participants manage to lift their astral limbs. When this
    happens you can see a cloudy formation over the physical limb. If
    somebody takes off completely, which can happen during any of
    the phases of night practice, then the cloudy formation is bigger
    (usually slightly bigger than their physical body) and is hovering
    over the body, anywhere up to the ceiling. While observing this,
    look for the silver cord that is said to link the astral body to the
    physical body. After the session, share your impressions with the
    participants to confirm your perceptions.

Chapter 14 – Night Practice 2: Instructions for the Technique

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