Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

to put the burning tip of the moxa into the earth in order to
smother it (in a pot-plant, for instance.)
Moxas on bai hui draw energies upwards, slightly release the astral
body from the etheric, and the etheric from the physical. The
etheric body is not completely withdrawn from the physical of
course, but becomes slightly less impacted. This creates a
temporary situation that is favourable for subtle perceptions.
I do not recommend that you use moxas on bai hui on a regular
basis, but that you experiment with it from time to time, to give
a boost to your vision (for instance, before doing eye-contact).
Moxas should not be used when the weather is too hot, to avoid an
accumulation of heat in the body.

16.8 Pony tail

Another interesting way of stimulating bai hui (Governor 20) and
the crown chakra is to tie a tuft of your hair in the same area
(figure in section 16.7). This custom was practised by monks of
various origins. Others have shaved this part of the skull to
enhance their receptivity to higher worlds, but this is not so
convenient if you live in the world!
You will be surprised to see how the pony tail in the area of bai
hui immediately enhances the energy of your crown chakra. It is a
minor but beneficial complement that can be used when you are on
a retreat and practising non-stop.

16.9 Blind walking

Put on a blindfold and get somebody to guide you on a walk
through the countryside.

Chapter 16 – Complementary Techniques

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