Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

On the other hand, when you awaken a strong physical vibration
in the eye, when you can feel the vibration flowing in your hands
and all over the body, it is just the opposite that takes place. Your
astral body is fully impacted into the etheric and physical bodies.
Therefore, due to the contracting action of the astral body, your
aura is sealed, much more impermeable to external influences. (This
allows you to understand clearly why it is so difficult to fall
asleep when experiencing a strong vibration in the eye.)
Now, let us be very clear on one point. I am not suggesting that
one of the two conditions of energy, either the open or the closed
one, is superior to the other. Saying this would be like supporting
the idea that sleeping is superior to being awake, or vice versa.
These are two phases of existence, each as indispensable as the
other. Life cannot blossom without the alternating succession of
sleeping and waking, and the master is the one who can sometimes
be completely open and sometimes completely closed.
However, there are times when one of these two conditions is
inappropriate. For instance, if you fall asleep every time you
arrive at work, and if you are wide awake as soon as you get into
bed, you are in trouble. Similarly, if you allow your aura to be too
open when you are waiting in a packed railway station or visiting a
friend in a hospital, you may catch all sorts of negative influences.
You may even get sick in an insidious way, for there may be quite
a long delay between the energy contamination and the onset of
the disease, so that you won't be able to make the connection
between the cause and the effect. A basic principle is:
Whenever you need protection, be completely inside your body,
not floating above!

18.4 Protection through being in the eye

At this stage a commonly-held false notion should be corrected.
You may have heard people comment on how a psychic opening
may leave you more vulnerable to negative energies and influences.
If you are following a complete training, in which you learn to
close your energy as well as open it, there is nothing more false.
The very opposite takes place! Due to your increased perception you
can immediately detect when protection is needed. Due to your
mastery of energy you can achieve such protection by sealing your
aura. Moreover, the more you progress the more the sealing of
your aura tends to take place automatically as soon as your Higher
Self senses a possible negative energy approaching your field. So

Chapter 18 – Protection: Sealing the Aura (1)

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