Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

Chapter 19 – Baby Work

19.1 The aura of a pregnant woman

The aura of a pregnant woman is one of the easiest to see, for it is
particularly luminous and full of gold. This explains why a
pregnant woman often arouses a feeling of respect, if not awe.
Even though the people around her may not be able to see her aura
consciously, they unconsciously register some of the golden
energy and are impressed by it.
So whenever you find yourself in the presence of a pregnant
woman take the opportunity to practise the triple process of
vision. The gold colour in the aura indicates that the pregnant
woman is intensely connected to high spiritual beings who support
and foster the embryo. Pregnancy is therefore a privileged time
for spiritual growth. It is a time to do a lot of meditation and
enlightening reading, and to work at developing intuition and
perception. Apart from the fact that the baby is extremely
sensitive to the mother's thoughts and emotions and influenced by
them, a spiritual focus during pregnancy can bring about big
inner shifts in the mother.
While discussing the energy of pregnant women, let me mention
the great difficulty there seems to be in finding out the baby's
sex clairvoyantly. I must say I have seen some great clairvoyants be
repeatedly confused on this point. One of the reasons is probably
that you tune into the astral body of the baby, and so what you
see relates more to the baby's past life than to its present
incarnation. Thus even if you pick up a clear sex determination, it
is pretty difficult to know whether it applies to this life or the
last one. Moreover, souls who incarnate nowadays arrive with much
more of both polarities, male and female, in their astral body than
a few centuries ago, which does not simplify the exercise. If you
want some friendly advice, don't stake your reputation as a
clairvoyant on a bet like this one. You might very well end up
being wrong more than 50% of the time!

19.2 The aura of a newborn baby

The aura of a newborn baby is intensely luminous. This can be
partly related to the fact that for a while, the baby keeps some of

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