Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

response: the baby stops screaming immediately and tells you
what's wrong, directly from eye to eye. Even if the yelling does
not stop completely, there is a response and the child acknowledges
that contact has been made.
Many babies get irritated at not being able to communicate with
their environment on a psychic level. They try to express a whole
range of feelings but nobody seems to take any notice. It is quite a
depressing experience. Any psychologist would be alarmed to hear
of a child being left deprived of physical contact or stimulation.
Well, when your vision opens, you immediately realize that is
exactly what happens to most babies, but on another level.
So a first step towards a more enlightened way of bringing up
babies is to maintain the vigilance in your eye and to be receptive
to any signal they may send you. As soon as the baby sees that you
respond, greater harmony will develop between you. Furthermore,
the baby will use its eye more and more to communicate with you.

19.4 Watching baby fall asleep

In the chapters on night practice we described how human beings
cross the critical borderline between waking and sleeping at least
twice a day and yet do not derive any benefit from it. Living in
high psychic intensity, babies are more in touch with this
mystery. Therefore you will gain from being in your eye and in
your heart and tuning into the baby each time it crosses the
threshold. Try to sense and participate in the state of
consciousness experienced by the baby while it falls asleep and you
will become more familiar with the experience of the threshold.
When we fall asleep, our astral body (AB) and Ego withdraw from
the physical body (PB) and the etheric body (EB). The upper
complex (AB+Ego) detaches from the lower complex (PB+EB). The
upper complex (AB+Ego) goes off travelling for the night and the
lower complex (PB+EB) stays in bed.
But for most adults the upper complex cannot separate fully from
the lower one. It is like an articulation that gets a bit stiff with
time. So, unless they become masters in night practice, most
adults never reach the depth of sleep they used to experience as a
child. The situation usually goes on deteriorating: old people wake
up several times a night and rarely feel completely refreshed in
the morning. This slow separation of the upper complex (AB+Ego)
from the lower one (PB+EB) explains why it is not so easy to
observe an adult leaving his body at night.

Chapter 19 – Baby Work

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