Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

If babies are so good at astral travelling, it is because their upper
complex (astral body + Ego) is endowed with a fantastic energy of
levity, or anti-gravity, that projects them upwards as they fall
asleep. There is a lot to learn from this upward moving energy
which is akin to the udāna-vāyu, highly praised in Sanskrit texts.
The presence of this levity energy can also be related to the fact
that babies are saturated with the light of angels. Anti-gravity is
as natural to angels as gravity is to the physical world. Roughly
speaking, one could say that one becomes an angel as soon as one
becomes able to fall upwards.
To benefit from this very special energy and give a boost to your
meditation, proceed in this way: When your baby is about to fall
asleep, hold it in your arms. Let the baby fall asleep on your chest.
Be aware in your eye and in your heart, as explained throughout
this book. But don't be too strongly focussed in your eye, for that
could be too intense for the baby. Just maintain a soft awareness,
a slight focus between the eyebrows, and connect with the baby.
A mingling of energies naturally takes place whenever you hold a
very young child (up to fifteen months) on your chest. As soon as
the baby is in your arms, the borderline between its etheric (layer
of the vibration), and yours is not so clear. Try to become aware
of this melting process.
Now, the very moment the baby falls asleep, if you tune into it,
you too can be projected upwards. This is a great occasion to
meditate. All you have to do is tune in and let yourself be taken
up into the light. It's like ‘falling upwards’ into the light. The
lifting effect is immediate and creates an expansion of
consciousness enabling you to reach a high level of meditation. As
you become more familiar with this energy and learn to flow with
it, the effect will become clearer and clearer. If you are working
at astral projection this experience will be of great help.

19.6 A few words to the travellers

From what has been said so far, it must already be obvious that if
astral travelling is one of your great preoccupations in life, there
is a lot you can learn from babies.
Human beings are presently in a condition where they are so
incarnated in their physical body that they are unable to get out
of it consciously. They are completely stuck by the force of
gravity. The baby is in the opposite situation: its astral body is
saturated with forces of anti-gravity. For the baby, it is

Chapter 19 – Baby Work

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