Place your hand as a reflector, 2 or 3 inches in front of your
This time try to reach a sound that resonates purely in the throat
without any vibration in other parts of the body.
Phase 4
Repeat the same practice with a focus between the eyebrows. Chant
a few ‘ooo's and try to make them vibrate in the eye and in the
eye only.
Do a few rounds of this exercise, starting again from phase 1 and
going through the whole sequence.
If you practise this exercise with friends, you will be able to give
each other feedback as to the exact location of each sound.
20.2 Speaking from different levels
Phase 1
Take a very simple sentence, such as: “What a beautiful day!”
Practise repeating the sentence from the belly.
Just as in the last exercise, try to get your sound to vibrate only
around the navel.
When you utter a sound, a physical vibration is generated. But an
etheric vibration is generated too, of the same nature as the
vibration you feel between the eyebrows when meditating. As you
repeat the sentence, try to become aware of the physical and the
non-physical vibration at the same time.
In this first phase, apply yourself to getting the vibration moving
only in the belly area, as if you were speaking ‘from the belly’.
As in the last exercise, no particular awareness needs to be kept in
the eye during the first three phases.
Phase 2
Drop the awareness in the belly and go on repeating the same
sentence from the chest. Try to make the sound vibrate in the
chest alone.
Phase 3
Repeat the sentence from the throat. Feel your sound vibrating in
the throat. Feel the physical tingling taking place in your throat
organs as you speak. But be aware of the non-physical vibration at
the same time.