Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

the Self and revealing Its Truth, it always turns and works against
you in the end, whatever time it may take before the bell tolls.
There has never been any exception to this rule. Seek your Self
with all the sincerity you can and you won't have to worry about
protection. But if your motivation is of a different nature, then
your spiritual journey will be a long succession of disillusions,
however clever you may be at implementing techniques.
You may think that the concept of Truth is a bit vague, and not
directly applicable to your daily reality. Actually, before you can
grasp Truth with a capital T, you have to start with being true to
yourself. That is something simple, which can start here and now.
There are a few things you know you really should do and that
you are not doing: decisions to make, unavoidable transitions to go
through... Maybe also, there are a few things that you know you
should not do and that you keep on doing, through weakness, but
also often just by habit.
Please understand clearly that I am not referring to any moral
concepts. The problem has nothing to do with what is labelled
‘good’ or ‘bad’, or with any other mental construction. It is not
rare for spiritual seekers to have to do certain ‘bad’ things, or let
us say things that moral authorities would regard as bad, in order
to follow their truth.
Sincerity is of another nature. Deep inside some things feel right,
and some other things feel wrong. It is the knowingness of the
Spirit and that is what you have to tune into. It does not scream
inside like certain desires. You have to listen to it carefully. It is
like an inner sense, the embryonic version of what will later
become your capacity to know ‘the Truth’. It is faint in the
beginning, so you have to take care of it. The more you listen to
it, meaning the more you put into action what you know to be
right, the more the knowingness grows. The more you ignore it,
the more it fades. And if you really don't know what is right or
wrong, then tune in inside and ask for help. You will be surprised
how swiftly Truth can come to the rescue of those who seek Truth
without compromising.
It does not matter if you make some mistakes while following
your truth. What is a mistake, anyway? The white line that leads
you straight to the Divine is full of meanderings, when seen
through the eyes of a non-initiate. But to the vision of Truth,
certain detours and failures appear as the surest and most direct

Chapter 21 – There Is No Real Protection But the Power of Truth

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