Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

Appendix 1: Paths of the Meridians

Gallbladder, Urinary Bladder, and Stomach Meridians

Zu shao yang, ‘Gallbladder’ Meridian starts at the external corner
of the physical eye (not the third eye!) From there it follows a
complicated path around the ear and the side of the head. From
the side of the trunk it sends a branch to the gallbladder and to
the liver. It is also said to have a direct connection with the heart.
From the hip it suddenly makes a detour to the sacrum, and comes
back on the lateral side of the thigh. It ends up on the external
side of the nail of the fourth toe (counting the big toe as no.1).

Zu tai yang, ‘Urinary Bladder’ Meridian, on the head, starts at the
medial/internal corner of the physical eye, ascends straight up the
forehead and skull and circles the head 1 or 2 centimetres away
from the medial line. On the foot it travels behind the external
malleolus and then below it. It terminates on the external part of
the little toe. Zu tai yang connects with the urinary bladder and
the kidney.
Zu yang ming, ‘Stomach’ Meridian, starts on the head as one
branch coming down from below the middle of the physical eye,

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