Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

number of people who had no knowledge of the theory of the
meridians as developed by traditional Chinese medicine. I was
therefore able to observe the direction of the natural circulations
of energy, innocently discovered by the students. I must say that
what I have seen does not confirm the traditional theory of the
circulations in the meridians. In acupuncture, it is said that out of
the twelve principal meridians, six circulate the energy from the
head to the extremities (feet and hands) and six from the
extremities to the head. However, I have found that when you
teach a group how to perceive energy, the great majority tend to
feel it moving systematically upwards towards the head, whatever
channel they may be dealing with.
My advice is to trust your experience and to encourage the flow of
vibration that feels natural to you. It does not matter if the
energy does not always flow in the same direction – energy is a
whimsical principle, which is part of its beauty. Superior health
comes from harmony with the natural flows, not from
establishing a dictatorship of energies.

4.11 Practice

Implement channel release on the Heart Constrictor Meridian, as in
practice 4.6. Rub both arms, one straight after the other, but this
time once you finish rubbing, hold your arms upwards (as if you
were trying to reach the ceiling).
Is the direction of the circulation the same as before?
Repeat the same exercise with the Lung Meridian, then with the
Heart Meridian.


  • If you can, repeat the same exercise while in a shoulder-stand,
    with your arms up.

  • For your information, I have indicated what acupuncture says
    about the direction of the flows of the meridians in the note at
    the end of this chapter. However, I would suggest you do not look
    at it until you have reached your own perception of the flows.

4.12 Releasing negative energies

The technique that we are now going to describe is essential, and
designed to be frequently implemented. Its purpose is to release
negative energies.

Chapter 4 – Channel Release: Let It Flow!

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