Chapter 5 – Seeing
5.1 The path of the seers
Seeing is one of the highest functions of the human consciousness.
It is an extraordinary experience, allowing you to fathom your
own vastness. There are different levels of vision, of course. Our
constant purpose will be to avoid the lower astral clairvoyance of
the trance-medium psychics, and to step into the ‘vision of Truth’
or vision of the Self, which is like an explosion of all the
limitations of the mind.
A key difference between these two forms of vision is that in the
former, there is attachment to the pictures that flow into the
consciousness. To reach the vision of Truth, on the other hand, one
of the secrets is to become less interested in what you see and to
focus more on the process of seeing, letting your state of
consciousness expand through seeing. You then reach a completely
different perception and understanding of the universe. One can
never completely transpose what is ‘seen’ into words, because the
experience transcends the common logic of the mind. That is why
true vision feeds the Spirit and dispels the false conceptions of the
soul. ‘Seeing’ should not be regarded only as a tool for perception,
but as an experience which has a transformative value in itself.
Seeing is an expanded modality of consciousness. It is an
‘ontological amplifier’, meaning a way to be more. If you think of
clairvoyance in these terms, you have much less chance of being
deluded by the illusions of the lower astral vision.
One of the common mistakes of beginners is to expect to see
spiritual realities with their ordinary vision and their physical
eyes, as if suddenly, auras and spiritual beings were to be added to
the pictures of the world that are received through the mind. This
cannot work, because the usual mental consciousness is precisely
that part of yourself which is blind. To start seeing, the first
thing to do is step out of the mind.
That is why one of the constant reminders given in this chapter
will be: if you want to ‘see’, stop looking. In other words, stop
processing and analysing images as you are used to doing with your
mind. Do not ‘try’ to see. For when you try, you operate from