Awakening the Third Eye

(Barré) #1

15.6 Phase 3c: vibration in the nose while inhaling
15.7 Phase 4
15.8 Phase 5: recalling the images of the day
15.9 Phase 6: spontaneous images
15.10 Experiences during night practice
15.11 Taking the night at both ends
15.12 Morning sharing
15.13 A symbol used as a bridge
15.14 Keep recalling your dreams across the buffer zone
15.15 Use the memory of the third eye
15.16 If you can never remember anything
15.17 Variation for acupuncturists

Chapter 16 – Complementary Techniques

16.1 Neti
16.2 The use of rhythms
16.3 Fasting for openings
16.4 Proper management of sexual energies
16.5 Vaccinations
16.6 Telephone
16.7 Moxas on bai hui (Governor 20)
16.8 Pony tail
16.9 Blind walking

Chapter 17 – Protection

Protection level 1: Reinforcing the structure
17.1 Simple things first
17.2 Get enough sleep and rest
17.3 The right diet
17.4 The right physical exercise
17.5 Be happy!
17.6 Alcohol and spiritual work – a dangerous mixture
Protection level 2: Correct management of energies
17.7 Choose your colours
17.8 Find your spot
17.9 How to purify a room
17.10 Work in harmony with the Moon cycle
17.11 Frequent use of running water
17.12 Releasing energies into the elements

Table of Contents

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