Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
oxygen becomes increasingly aggressive and instead of helping to
build structures, pulls them apart, encouraging pathogenic disease.
If only our science would recognize the importance of tempera-
ture in natural processes and we could rapidly implement changes
throughout our technologies, the effect on our environment would
be immediate. Our current environmental crises are not limited to
increasing global warming through entropic heat pollution. If our
technologies were more eco-friendly, there would quickly be a mag-
nifying effect of balancing in the environment, a positive feedback
effect, because Nature is always seeking balance. We seem to think
that working with Nature is like trying to be honest in our lives (a
nice thing to do). In fact Nature's need for balance is so powerful
that once we began seriously to work with true ecological integrity,
we would be amazed how our efforts would be reciprocated and
amplified by Nature.
Schauberger demonstrated, not only that living water possesses
extraordinary healing properties, but that it is possible, by design-
ing machines which follow Nature's dynamic processes, to produce
this living water from lifeless water.

In this way it is possible to produce quality drinking water for
humans, beasts and for plants artificially, but in the way that
it occurs in Nature; to render timber and other such materials
non-flammable and rot resistant; to raise water in a vertical
pipe without pumping devices; to produce any amount of
electricity and radiant energy almost without cost; to raise
soil quality and to heal cancer, tuberculosis and nervous dis-
... The practical implementation of this... would without
doubt require a complete reorientation of all areas of science
and technology. By applying these new found laws, I have
already built some large structures for log-rafting and river
regulation, which have functioned faultlessly for a decade,
and which today still baffle the water hydraulics experts.^8


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