Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Fig. 9.1. The full hydrological cycle. The FULL CYCLE of water, is characterized by the following phases:^
Evaporation from oceans and evapo-transpiration from
Rising water vapour;
Cooling and condensing;
Formation of clouds;
Precipitation as rain;
Infiltrates the ground under positive temperature gradient;
Recharge of groundwater and aquifers;
Maintenance and regulation of height of groundwater;
Formation of+4°C centre-layer of the groundwater;
Creation of underground retention basins;
Passage through the +4°C centre-layer of the groundwater;
Purification at this temperature;
Further sinking into the subterranean aquifers due to its own
Transition to a vaporous state due to the influence of the
Earth's hot interior
Rising again towards the ground surface with the simultane-
ous uptake of nutrients;
Cooling of the water and deposition of nutrients;
Draining away over the ground surface;
Evaporating and forming clouds;
Falling again as rain — and so on.

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