Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Viktor used to spend hours watching fish in the streams. He was fas-
cinated by how the trout could lie motionless in the strongest current
and then, if alarmed, without warning, would dart upstream rather
than be carried down with the flow. Having learned from his family
about the importance of temperature on the energy potential of
water, he did an experiment. He had colleagues heat up 100 litres of
water that, on his signal, they poured into the fast-flowing mountain
stream some 150 metres upstream from where he stood. Viktor
noted how the trout he had been observing became agitated, and
soon was unable to hold its station in the fast flowing stream, thrash-
ing its tail fins to no avail. The minute, but nevertheless abnormal,
rise in the average temperature of the water and the chaoticized flow
that resulted, had interfered with the trout's hovering ability. Viktor
searched the textbooks in vain for an explanation of this marvel.
He would often quote these experiences with the trout as having
the most influence on developing his ideas, for temperature and
motion were the foundations of his theories and discoveries. He
subsequently developed a generator to produce energy directly
from air and water, naming it the 'trout turbine' in honour of his
mentor, though it was later called the 'implosion machine.'

The non-conformist

Viktor Schauberger was discredited and criticized by 'the experts,'
as pioneers have been in the past, from Galileo to Max Planck. He
insisted that we have betrayed our calling and our heritage, by
usurping the role of God and trashing our environment. He saw that
we were hell-bent on a path of self-destruction, and predicted that,
within a generation, our climate would become more hostile, our
food sources would dry up, there would be no healthy water, and ill-
ness, misery and violence would predominate.
Where have conventional scientists gone astray? By not observ-
ing carefully how Nature works. If they did, they would be able to
formulate her laws, as Schauberger has done, and then comply with
them, so that human society could come into harmony with our
environment. As he so often said, 'Comprehend and Copy Nature.'
Instead, modern scientists believe we are above Nature and are free
to exploit the Earth's resources without consequence.
Schauberger spelled out clearly exactly where we have gone
wrong with our technology. How can we start to put things right?


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