Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

nutrients which the water hungrily consumes resulting in a large
drop in soil fertility and productivity.
Viktor Schauberger showed how unnecessary is this extraordi-
narily destructive power-generating process. He devised a novel
method in the early 1920s which can produce 90% more electric-
ity from a given flow-volume without harm to the water. Using
water from a nearby stream Viktor installed this device to light his
forest warden's house, which was too remote to be connected to
any other source of supply. The design shown in Fig. 11.9 is very
simple, illustrating his belief that what is natural is silent, simple
and cheap.
It operates by water being cooled, densified and energized as it
passes through a rifled brass nozzle, in a vortical flow, thereby
reducing both pressure and friction as the water is centripetally
drawn away from the sides. The water is directed against a multiple-
spiral, shell-like impeller attached to the shaft of a generator.^5

Fig. 11.9. An experimental egg-shaped
vessel for generating hydro-electric power.
The hyperbolic cone device with spiralled nozzles
to maximize speed of water flow. This could
produce 90% more electricity than a hydro


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