Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Shade-demanding trees grow additional branches to protect the
trunk when exposed to light and heat, whereas light-demanders do
not. The shade-demanding tree is rather like an introvert, reserved
and extremely sensitive to external influences. They tend towards
introspection, mental activity (predominant development of the
tree's crown) and they are inwardly preoccupied and absorbed.
They need a certain shielding and protection, peace and quiet to
develop to maturity and their full potential.
The light-demanding trees on the other hand are the extroverts
that can happily stand on their own, reflecting their need for light
and space around them. They tend to be more physically active,
with branches radiating outwards. They are independent, outgoing
individuals, which are generally more capable of standing on their
own feet without support.
Viktor Schauberger showed that the maintenance of an even
inner temperature is vital to all trees, as to all organisms. When sun-
light penetrates the trunk, the tree's metabolism is disrupted. It
becomes overheated, the sap no longer flows as it should and the
general structure of the tree becomes very coarse, leading to malfor-
mations, cancerous growths in the interior, and so on. All shade-
demanding trees, and under certain circumstances light-demanders
too, will do everything they can to maintain or reinstate their pre-
ferred inner temperature.
This can be seen after a forest fire, when the trees that survive
quickly cover themselves with a profusion of small shoots. The fire
has blackened their bark so that, instead of reflecting the heat, it
absorbs it and other radiation. Without protective cover the interior
of the tree would quickly overheat and the flow of sap would reduce,
no longer reaching the highest branches.
Every species of tree has its particular pattern of energy frequen-
cies, which determines its shape and supporting metabolism. If you
like, Nature has given it a special niche in a particular environment. An
increase in temperature changes its microclimate and the plant's nat-
urally established metabolism can no longer operate healthily, and its
wave pattern is disturbed. Instead of 'healthy tree,' there is 'sick tree +
parasites.' It is important to understand that the parasites do not cause
the sickness, but come as a result of it. Viktor Schauberger called them
'Nature's health police' because of their role in removing all organisms
that are not evolutionarily viable. The tree will rid itself of parasites
once its metabolism has returned to healthy balance.


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