Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
biocondenser, reconciling the Sun's positive, affirming energy with
the negative, receptive energy of the Earth. This important role is
seen at its most productive in the tropical rainforest, where the
enormous fecundity of Nature is best observed.
Biomagnetism, a life enhancing process that puts bioelectricity
to work, is present in all living organisms. Man-made electrical sys-
tems interfere with Nature's biomagnetism. The shortwave emis-
sions (microwaves) of the world's communication systems have, in
many places, seriously interfered with organic life on Earth in the
last sixty years. This is seen with the appearance of human cancers
near radar establishments or electrical transmission lines, with
microwave ovens or portable telephones.^6 It is also damaging trees.
Radar seems to be responsible for the destruction of parts of the
German forest, and the sub-arctic forest in Canada near the line of
Defence Early Warning installations.^7 Viktor observed the early evi-
dence of radar damage to trees; however, most of the destructive
effects of microwave pollution have developed since he died.
Microwave transmitters operate with wavelengths between 2cm
and 50cm, exposure to which can inflict biological damage.
Microwaves have an energetically disruptive effect, triggering dete-
riorating changes in crystal structure. An example of the amount of
free ambient energy being generated can be seen from the use of a
neon-filled tube to test the system's working. Held parallel to the
direction of transmission from a microwave transmitter, or a high-
tension powerline, its spontaneous ignition confirms the ambient
energy's strength.^8
Similar disintegrative effects are found with domestic
microwave ovens that operate on a wavelength approximately the
same as that of radar. They generate vibrational heat in the mole-
cules of the food.^9 Hydrogen, one of the constituent atoms of the
water molecule, has a wavelength of 21cm, well within the band-
width of current microwave transmissions. It is therefore likely to be
damaged by the excessive microwave-induced heating. In the tree
this leads to the breakdown of the structure of the sap, which like
our blood, is about 80% water. This process also increases the
amount of available oxygen within the tree, which results in unnat-
ural metabolic acceleration. The tree, being rooted to the spot,
unfortunately cannot escape the radiation emitted by microwave
towers and high-tension transmission grids.
Even though we are more mobile, humans too can become


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