Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
creates a vacuum. When the water has cooled down to 4°C (39°F),
cold oxidation takes place, allowing the assimilation of the trace ele-
ments and minerals.
The process takes three-quarters of an hour, and the water is
then left to stand in a cold temperature for 24 hours. The water,
when sipped slowly straight from the egg at a temperature of not
more than 8°C (46°F) will neutralize any over-acidity in the body,
allowing the cells, by taking up oxygen (which is passive at this tem-
perature), to return to health.

The implosion motor

This ambitious machine was designed as an electric power genera-
tor, though it did also produce high quality water. It worked on the
same principle as the Repulsator, being first filled to exclude air and
then drained sufficiently to allow the simultaneous introduction of
carbon dioxide.
It was difficult to build, being dependent on a series of identical
whorl pipe water jets conceived to replicate the shape of a Kudu
antelope horn. This intriguingly shaped tube, which has an egg-
shaped cross section, allows an almost perfect hyperbolic double
spiral flow to manifest. The shape of the pipe and reducing diame-
ter follow the proportions of the Golden section (see p. 69).
This configuration operates in the same way as Viktor's pipe in
the Stuttgart experiment, where the shape of the pipe directed the
water in an involuting flow away from the pipe walls, significantly
reducing the friction. In the two forms of whorl-pipe shown in the
diagram (see Fig. 18.1), the water rotates either in the same direction
as the spiral twist of the pipe, or in the opposite direction, depend-
ing on which whorl-pipe is selected, the hydraulic efficiency of either
being determined by experiment. In practice only one or other of the
whorl-pipe configurations would be attached to the central hub.
This centrifugal/centripetal effect creates a double spiral motion
to the water, cooling and condensing it; it also allows the energies to
change polarities, eg from magnetic to bioelectric or from electric
to biomagnetic. This change of polarities would convert resistance-
producing energies into motion-enhancing ones, such as levita-
tional and diamagnetic dynagens.
When the centripulser is rotated by the motor at 1200 revolutions
per minute, the water is centrifuged down the whorl pipes while

Fig. 18.2. The repulsator. For the biological
synthesis of spring water:
(a) Alexandersson's (above)
(b) Schauberger's (below)


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