- The Metabolism of the Tree
- Viktor Schauberger, Our Senseless Toil,
- For greater detail on this experiment, see
Viktor's description in The Water Wizard,
pp. 50-52, or Callum Coats in Living En-
ergies, pp. 131-32. Callum also describes
another experiment designed by William
Morgan in the 1860s that shows the ac-
tion of true springs.
- Diagrams from Wurzelatlas; mitteleu-
ropaischer Grunlandpflanzen, Vol. 1,
'Monocotyledoneae' 1982, and Vol.2,
'Pteridophyta und Dicotyledoneae,' 1992,
by L.Kutschera and E.Lichtenegger:
G.Fischer, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Soil Fertility and Cultivation
- Tau magazine, Vol. 146, p. 11,1936.
- Our Senseless Toil, Pt.I, p. 13.
- From the Schauberger Archives.
- Genetic Engineering, by Mae-Wan Ho,
Gateway 1998, Gill and Macmillan, 2000.
- Organic Cultivation
- The Survival of Civilization, self-pub-
lished by John Hamaker and Don Weaver.
- Further detailed information on rock
dust can be obtained from any of the fol-
lowing: Don Weaver, P.O.Box 1961,
Burlingame, CA 94010, USA; Joanna
Campe, ed. of Remineralize the Earth, 152
South St., Northampton, MD 01060, USA;
Barry Oldfield, president,'Men of the
Trees,' 3 Over Avenue, Lesmurdie 6076, W
Australia; Das Buch von Steinmehl by
Helmut Snoek: Orac-Pietsch, Germany.
- Alex Podolinsky's work is fully elaborated
in The Secrets of the Soil, by Christopher
Bird: Harper, New York
- Austrian Patent No.265991.
- Implosion, No.45, p. 3.
- Excerpt from a letter from Viktor
Schauberger to Dagmar Sarkar in the
mid-1950s; the diagram has been re-
drawn and annotated by Callum Coats
for greater clarity.
- An alternative egg-shaped amniotic liq-
uid manure transformer is described on
p. 273 of Living Energies.
- Viktor Schauberger, Implosion magazine.
- Viktor Schauberger uses the prefix ur- to
indicate what he called the 'first born or
basically primeval.
- Schauberger Archives, Linz, January 1952.
- Viktor Schauberger, Our Senseless Toil.
- Excerpt from a letter from Viktor
Schauberger to Dagmar Sarkar in the
mid-1950s; the diagram has been re-
drawn and annotated by Callum Coats
for greater clarity.
- Implosion magazine, No.37, p. 8.
- Harnessing Implosion Power
- The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook,
Century 2001. Nick Cook is a veteran aero-
space researcher; he is Aviation Editor and
Aerospace Consultant to Jane's Defence
Weekly, the world's leading military affairs
journal, and Industry/Defence Editor of In-
teravia, the aerospace trade publication.
- Ibid.
- For background, refer to After 50 years the
Cover-up Conspiracy goes on' by Hamish
Mackenzie (Sunday Express, June 16,
2002), on Dr Stephen Greer's 'Disclosure
Project' to persuade Congress to set up an
open hearing on the secrecy surrounding
the US government's UFO and alien con-
tact and research programmes. The big US
corporations like Boeing, Lockheed Mar-
tin, Northrop Grumman would benefit
most from alien technology.
- The Hunt for Zero Point, Nick Cook.
- Viktor Schauberger, Implosion magazine,
- Viktor Schauberger, Implosion magazine,
- Living Energies, p. 276. The Schauberger
quote is from Mensch und Technik, year
24, vol.2,1993.
- Callum Coats cites Russian research pub-
lished in 1992, which describes space as
multi-layered (layers, if you like, belong-
ing to different dimensions); and a vac-
uum, not a 'curved void' as usually under-
stood, but to be composed of elementary
vacuum particles resulting from the con-
version of actual electrons and protons
into virtual states which exist, not in our
space, but in a complementary layer. (Liv-
ing Energies, p.276)
- Letter to Aloys Kokaly in 1953 — Implo-
sion magazine, no.29, p. 22.
- From St Barbe Baker's Foreword to The
Schauberger Departure, (September 28,
- which was the original title for what
subsequently became Living Energies.
- Callum Coats commented that the water
she poured in was probably charged with
silicates, which Viktor considered essen-
tial to healthy water. The natural oscillat-
ing concentrative vortical flow in healthy
streams also produced Viktor's 'emul-
sions' from the fine dispersions of miner-
als and trace elements (including sili-
cates) which endow the
upstream-moving water with the levita-
tional energies that enable trout or
salmon to negotiate high waterfalls.
- A. Khammas in Implosion magazine.
- Living Energies, p. 287.
- These phenomena are discussed in
greater detail in Living Energies, pp.
275-93, and particularly in Energy Evolu-
- Viktor Schauberger, Implosion magazine,
- Viktor Schauberger and Society
- Increasingly, one is drawn to Gurdjieff's
dictum, that humanity is asleep, or to
change the metaphor, the blind are lead-
ing the blind.
- Our Senseless Toil.
- Unpublished ms. The authors are NLP
trainers. Peter Wrycza's book Living
Awareness — Awakening to the roots of
Learning and Perception was published
by Gateway in 1997. A few pioneers in ed-
ucation have attempted to redress this
overemphasis on absorbing discrete facts
that have no connection to the student,
by adopting a more holistic, inclusive, ap-
proach. The most successful of these have
probably been Maria Montessori
(Montessori schools for the younger
ages) and Rudolf Steiner (the Waldorf
Schools) for the whole age range.
- 'Fast Forward into Trouble' by Cathy
Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy (Guardian
Weekend, June 14,2003) on how murder,
fraud, and drug offences are plaguing the
peaceful Buddhist idyll of Bhutan, only
four years after the introduction of 46 ca-
ble TV channels.
- Interview by Ursula Kenny in The Ob-
server, September 1,2002, in connection
with the publication of Dr Rowe's book
Beyond Fear, Harper Collins, 2002.
- A short biography of Walter Schauberger
can be found on the PKS website.