Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Fig. 3.1. Cosmic fertilization.
Schauberger saw the fertilization of Earth by the
Sun as a similar process to human fertilization.
The Earth responds to the Sun's energy by
releasing propagating energies (the concentric
circles) which become more developed and
complex as evolution proceeds.

interact alternate between attraction and repulsion, which sets up a
pulsation which will vary according to the season.
In winter when the Sun's energy has the most blue and ultravio-
let light and the Earth is passive, with low temperatures in the cold
winter sunlight, the vegetation is dormant and much animal life
hibernates. It is then that fertilization, reproduction and growth are
at a minimum, but the solar energies continue to penetrate deep into
the Earth to awaken the embryonic female energies lying far below
the surface. This union produces the prolific growth of springtime.
In spring and summer however, when the Sun's radiation
becomes relatively stronger, the balance between the ultraviolet and
the infrared shifts towards the red end of the spectrum. This awak-
ens the Earth, whose energy interacts with the Sun's high-frequency
energy, producing a third kind of energy, which is dynamic growth.
Viktor Schauberger saw this as the discharged precipitates of
higher, bipolar subtle energy. In the summer months the solar ener-
gies fuse with their female opposites in the higher strata near the

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