Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Thus a given physical structure is created by an idea dependent on
a particular frequency level or pattern of vibrations or resonances,
higher vibrations producing higher forms and vice versa.
As we survey the world around us today this is precisely what
appears to be happening — the quantitative thrust of our technol-
ogy and ideology is pressing downwards towards uniformity, to a
vibrationless state, which is equivalent to zero energy and quality
(see Fig. 5.1, p. 78). Thus species after species is disappearing sim-
ply because the prevailing creative energy pool available for quali-
tative evolution is absent. If we may imagine that all that can be
preserved is what remains, we forget that Nature has her own urge
to proceed with evolution.
What is required of us is to purge our technology's production
of so much debased energy. This would create positive feedback
into human consciousness, raising its level, which would produce
an outflow of positive, creatively potentiated energy, creating a
swing towards the negative or feminine in society (see Chapter 3,
p. 52).
An urgent swing from carbon-based energy production to
renewable sources is vital if global warming is gradually to level
off. Schauberger believed that this would help restore the energy
balance towards Nature's need for dynamic evolution. But it is not
the whole answer; only a radical change of consciousness so that
we recognize our sacred role as part of Nature and begin to follow
her laws can bring about a new way ahead for Nature and the

Resonance is about qualities

As we saw in Chapter 2, all matter, though it may look solid and
stationary, is based on sub-atomic particles that are always in
motion.^4 The velocity of this motion determines its vibratory rate;
this and the type and size of the object contribute to its vibrational
frequency. A piece of wood, and each of the organs in our bodies
have different resonant frequencies; planet Earth has its own — a
frequency of 7.83Hz (Hertz). Every thing, both animate and
apparently inanimate has its own vibrational or resonant fre-
quency that can be enhanced by sympathetic vibrations, or
harmed by destructive.
There is increasing evidence of the harmful effects on human


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