Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
hexagonal cells of honeycombs, etc. The higher the frequency, the
more complex the pattern. Jenny also produced a stunning film
which shows that raising the pitch of sound caused a static pattern
to change into a moving one.
All of these were, of course, the same geometric and vortical
forms which underlie the ordering of physical matter; thus 'inor-
ganic' matter vibrated simply with sound produces 'organic' shapes.
But what is intriguing is that the sand collects on the 'dead' areas of
the plate, for the 'life' of the pattern is vibrating on the background
that is free of sand. The paradox is that the visible expression of
energy is the inverse of the actual vibratory pattern, which is invisi-
ble. Organic growth and development require harmony. Resonance
is the process by which harmony is brought to lower systems which
then provide a firm basis upon which higher structures may be built.
One is reminded that the early Christian Gnostics insisted that
the physical world is but a shadow or shell of a supreme ordering
energy that exists in another dimension. Schauberger also saw the
physical form like a discarded mantle or energetic detritus, the cre-
ative energy of the fifth dimension having been spent. Callum Coats
saw the resonant pattern associated with a life form as the seed
bearing the image or idea of what is to be created. He argued that all
physical manifestation develops as the product of focused energy
from the 'Will-to-create' or original 'Source.'

Patterns and shapes

Patterns are to do with order; with design and structure. Nothing
can come into being without a design or template. The patterns in
Nature are governed by laws that oral tradition tells were the gift of
the gods (perhaps a rationalization of a chicken-and-egg situa-
tion!). Holistic or spiritual science sees Nature as a mirror of the
original creative impulse in the Universe, a manifestation of the
Universal Mind, or The-All-That-Is.
Our science, since the Renaissance, has been searching for
immutable Laws that help to explain how the natural world works.
Because the territory it observes is limited to the physical, conven-
tional science rejects the idea of a cosmic order that affects the
Earth and its inhabitants at a subtle energetic level, which frus-
trated Schauberger. He demonstrated that a new science that has
more in common with ancient wisdom does show how the world


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