Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
is subservient to cosmic laws, creating 'correspondences' between
the two orders.
Until comparatively recent times, scientists and philosophers
recognized the creative energy of Nature as sacred. They saw the
way in which Nature's patterns and its complex interdependences
were so often expressed in very specific shapes and numbers as
proof of God at work. So they called these correspondences sacred
numbers and sacred geometry. It is certainly difficult to explain
away the complex mathematical and symbolic patterns in Nature as
purely accidental or fortuitous (see below, p. 66).

Patterns in motion

In the beginning was the vortex^8

All life is motion. Natural movement is not in straight lines, but in
spirals, or in spiraling vortices. Spirals are the actual shape of fluid
energy evolving order from chaos. Viktor Schauberger saw them as
the natural movement of life, from the structure of galaxies down to
the atom. The spiral is the most common vehicle for 'correspon-
dences' — as above, so below.
The spiral can develop in a number of different ways: as a vor-
tex, moving upwards or downwards, round in a circle, or doubling
back on itself. Whenever there is movement, spirals form, visibly
with water; but gases and even electrical fields express themselves
in spirals or doughnuts. Sinews, tissues, blood and bones and so
many formations in organic life are spiral in form.^9

Rhythms within the solar system

The relationship between Earth and Moon can be very subtle.
Professor Frank Brown of Northwestern University has shown
how the 'biological clocks' that initiate cyclical activities like rat-
running, and colour change in fiddler crabs are subject to lunar
rhythms. His better known experiment involved the shipment in
hermetically sealed containers of oysters from the sea shore at
New Haven, Connecticut to Evanston, Illinois, 2000 miles inland.
Within a couple of weeks they had adjusted the conspicuous
rhythm of opening and closing their shells to the lunar tides that
would have existed at Evanston had it been on a sea coast.


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