Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

Fig. 4.5. Pine cone symmetry.
The left hand cone shows the five decelerating,
positive mail spirals of energy descending to meet
the eight accelerating, rising negative female spirals.
Where they cross each other, a union of the two
forces produces a seed of new life. This illustrates
how two antithetical, but oppositely charged forces
can interact harmonically and be in balance.

uses egg-shapes to generate creative energies. The egg-shape
became an important ingredient of his inventions. The egg is the
only closed shape that will naturally generate vortical movement.
We shall see in Chapter 17 how Schauberger used egg-shaped com-
post piles to generate what he called 'fructigenic' energies, to stim-
ulate plant growth.
The egg-shape is found, especially in the leading edge of growth,
in many organisms. The structure of the pine cone is also a good
example of the egg-shape, though an elongated one. Its form is
developed according to another strict geometric formula. When you
examine the structure, you will see that the seed 'wings' form two
opposing spirals. Moving from left to right (anti-clockwise) the

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