Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

descending (male) spirals complete three revolutions in the wave-
length of the cone; the eight ascending (female) spirals, rising to
meet the male, are slower moving, completing only one revolution
in the cone's overall length. Where the male and female spirals inter-
sect, a seed is born.
This relationship (proportion) of 5:8 is the signature of the
'Golden Section,' known also by the Greek letter phi ( ), which
resolves into the ratio 1:1.618033988.Phi — and pi ( ),the tran-
scendental number that describes the circumference of the circle,
are called 'divine proportions.' Many of Nature's forms depend on
phi for their generation, as it is one of the vehicles for transform-
ing energy into form. By varying the length of the radii from the
centre growth point (the radius length being determined by phi),
a large variety of natural spirals and leaf shapes can be created.


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