Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

generate into chaos without input of energy to maintain the ordered
state, is thought to be inviolable. Schauberger, by demonstrating
that energy could arise spontaneously in his 'perpetual motion'
machines, or that frictionless movement could be achieved, dis-
proved this axiom.
Due to the remarkable feedback systems of the atmosphere and
the biosphere, temperatures on Earth are kept within the narrow
band of those required for abundant life, especially of higher life
forms. Gaia research has shown that it is life itself which has fine-
tuned that thermostat, so that more complex life forms are able to
develop. Some species live within small microclimates, so that on one
tree you can find several kinds of finch, each having its own niche.
Humanity is considered to be the most adaptable of species, able
to survive in a range of about -10°C (14°F) to +40°C (104°F). While
that is true for the species, it is not true for individuals, unless you
believe that individual physical health and spiritual wellbeing are
stronger than they have ever been. One of the requirements of
Nature is that, in order to be whole, we have to be in tune with our
environment. It takes many generations of adaptation to a specific
environment for people to develop fine physical qualities and sen-
sitive psychic faculties. Similarly it takes generations to adapt safely
to a change in the environment (for instance, as a result of global
warming or microwave radiation). In the past two hundred years
our bodies have been challenged to adapt to higher temperatures
and in the last sixty to stressful microwave energy.
Compare this to the efforts modern humans take to accommo-
date a life divorced from Nature, to jet travel life and unnatural
food, and one subject to enormous electromagnetic stress. We take
mountains of pills to counteract physical and emotional imbal-
ances or go to psychotherapists to assuage our spiritual starvation.
While he does not suggest returning to primitive life-styles,
Schauberger assures us that, while our lives are now completely out
of balance, by following Nature's clues we can regain both equilib-
rium and sanity.

Energy pollution

We usually think of pollution in physical terms, like a room full of
tobacco smoke, or a factory's chemical effluent poisoning a stream.
This is the boundary for conventional science. Thus when people


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