Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
kinds of fish can live in poor quality water. It is no different for peo-
ple. By allowing the natural resources of the environment to depre-
ciate, the quality of human potential inevitably suffers.
Conventional science does not understand the importance of
quality. For the reductionist scientist water is water, or a genetically
engineered crop is the 'substantial equivalent' of a conventional
crop. No two things can be identical in Nature whose processes
depend on constant change and transformation. While quantitative
science states that 1 + 1 makes 2, no two natural systems can ever
be equated.
Monocultures and mass production mean repetition. They
repeat an energetic or experiential process that has already hap-
pened, in which no new development, no advance, however slight, is
possible. Identical repetition goes against evolution, because it
wastes energy. The development of a new natural process or system
demands change and variety.
George Gurdjieff, the Caucasian mystic and teacher, used to
say that the ordinary person operates like a blind machine with
no awareness or consciousness. Viktor Schauberger saw contem-
porary humans as superficial creatures that look, but never see.
Our seeing is limited to recognition, not deep examination. We
mistake outward appearance for totality, effect for cause. What we
actually see are the external shells of manifestation, what is left
by the formative energy. We don't see the energy that created the

The creative energy-vortex

Callum Coats illustrates the process of the creation of matter in
the diagram (Fig. 5.2). As we have seen, creative energy moves spi-
rally in the form of a vortex. The creative process takes place as
the energy containing the blueprint of what is being created
moves in whatever way it needs to in orderto create the system it
wishes. It draws down matter as a mirror image of the idea or
blueprint. This is why the physical is said to be the shell of the
organic reality.
What we have described is the formative energy. There is also
the sustaining energy, the Ch'i in Chinese terms, which moves in
the same way. This is the way a healthy river moves; and the blood
in our capillaries, external manifestations of an energy path. We


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