Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1

6. Motion — the Key to Balance

What we are doing is wrong and contrary to Nature. Nature moves in
other ways. She primarily employs drawing (i.e. sucking), energies,
since these are indispensable to Nature for the growth and mainte-
nance of life. Nature uses pressure energies and explosive forces only
for reducing quality and destruction. The work of atomic physicists is
also upside down. They would be more correct if they started with
simple nuclear fusion. They should set about the cold transformation
of hydrogen into helium, as Nature has done over the millions of years
of Creation. Today's technology has a tiger by the tail, because it splits
the heaviest atoms with the greatest development of heat and an
enormous expenditure of energy.^1

We use the wrong form of motion

The way earth, water and air are moved determines whether patho-
genic or healthy life-forms come into being. New life can arise from
burnt (carbonized) bacterial cultures, but if it is wrongly moved and
processed then its parasitic nature soon becomes evident. However, if
this culture is placed in soil that has been spared humanity's misguid-
ed interference, then its life-force blossoms again immediately.^2

Motion and energy are inextricably interlinked. Movement is an
expression of energy, and together with temperature, these are the
cornerstones of Schauberger's Eco-technology. Through his careful
observations and experiments he became aware of the difference
between Nature's way of working and the prevailing human tech-
nology. He realized that the principles under which conventional
technology operates must be basically unsound to have produced
such appalling consequences for water, for soil and indeed for all of
Most of us are aware of the effects of chemicals in the body and
on the soil, of the dangers of radioactive waste and biotechnology.
But Schauberger was also concerned with something much more
basically wrong with our technology. Being above all a practical
man, he observed the appalling squandering of resources; why are


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