Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
motion, moving from the outside to the inside with increasing
velocity, which acts to cool, to condense, to structure; like water
going down a plughole. When we talk of something imploding on
itself, there is not the resistance or dissipation of energy that is
found in the explosive process. The reverse takes place, cooling and
condensing. Schauberger called this 'constructive' movement.
The centrifugal form of movement should not be called
'destructive,' because the word has such a negative connotation,
and it has its rightful purpose in Nature; instead he called it'decon-
structive.' Viktor Schauberger demonstrated with his remarkable
implosion machines that replicated the in-winding motion of
Nature, that this was the way to create energy for human needs in
the future.
As Schauberger's discovery has such enormous implications for
the future of human culture, why has it not been openly debated in
scientific circles? The reasons are two-fold. Firstly, Schauberger,
being persona non grata with the German postwar establishment,
was not granted the oxygen of publicity. Secondly, he was talked of
in postwar Germany as a Nazi collaborator, by association rather
than fact, as his work for the Nazi regime was carried out under
duress. Though both the Russians and the Americans secretly con-
fiscated his research papers, the Cold War days kept his name in the
shadows. His discoveries have been enthusiastically embraced by
the alternative culture, but as yet have not become more widely

The 'original' motion

Viktor Schauberger was always comparing terrestrial laws of
motion to the patterns of movement in the Heavens. He firmly
believed that there existed a 'form originating' motion that was
responsible for the evolutionary dynamics of the Earth and the Cos-
mos, generally referring to it as the 'original' motion. The whole Uni-
verse is continually in motion. This movement is in spirals, many
spirals within spirals. Galaxies take a spiral form. As we saw in
Chapter 4, forms in Nature very often follow the law 'As Above, so
Below,' implying that there is a Universal language of form and
motion. Liquids and gases prefer to move in spirals; likewise energy.
Dowsers find energy spirals in the ground. Energy in the human
body seems to do the same.


Fig. 6.1. Spiral galaxy superimposed by
hyperbolic spiral.^3
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