Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
Fig. 6.2. Three basic forms of motion.
When combined into one, these make up the
dynamic, creative, formative spiral-vortical

As Callum Coats recounts:

There are many examples in ordinary language which recall
this spiral movement. When we ex-(s)pire, we leave this our
'mortal coil.' When we are in-spire-d, we feel drawn to higher
ideals. Our spir(e)it is raised when we are sucked into the
upward spiral. Similarly through re-spir(e)-ation the ioniza-
tion balance of the body, which varies according to the time of
day, is adjusted by the proportional ionization of the air
indrawn through the nostrils, which due to opposite directions
of rotation, is negatively ionized by the left nostril and posi-
tively by the right nostril. Sneezing, therefore, may perhaps be
a compensating process, through which high opposing charges
resulting from over-ionization are reduced to zero.


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