Hidden Nature

(Dana P.) #1
movement creates the microclusters and also a complex laminar
structure that generates energy from the interaction of their plane
surfaces against each. These structures can be observed with a
suitable microscope. The more powerful the vortical action, the
greater the storage capacity of information (like adding memory to
your computer). Thus water put through Viktor Schauberger's
implosion (powerfully vorticized) process (see Chapter 18) has the
ability to enhance the energy of organisms with which it comes in
contact. The clusters have the ability to store vibrational impres-
sions or imprints. If these are beneficial, they may be able to restore
healthy resonance in the human body, as through homeopathy. On
the other hand if they are the imprints of toxins or pollutants in the
drinking water, they may be carriers of disharmony and disease
(see p. 119).
Viktor demonstrated that water as an organism has a life cycle
from birth, through maturation to death. When it is treated with
disrespect or ignorant handling, instead of bringing life and vital-
ity, it becomes anti-life, facilitating pathogenic processes in the
organisms it inhabits, which initiate physical decay and eventually
bring death. One of Schauberger's more controversial discoveries
was that water that has been structurally damaged takes on nega-
tive energy that precipitates deterioration in the human being,
affecting our actual moral, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

The creation of water

Where does water come from? No one really knows. It is one of
Nature's mysteries. Its source cannot be the upper atmosphere for,
as we saw in Chapter 7, the water molecule is actually broken
down at high altitudes. The only other source must be the Earth
herself. Fascinating research done by the American Stephan Riess
in 1934 showed that enormous quantities of virgin water could be
obtained from crystalline rocks. A combination of geothermal
heat and a process known as triboluminescence, a glow which
electrons in the rocks discharge as a result of friction or violent
pressure, can actually release the oxygen and hydrogen gases in
certain ore-bearing rocks. This process, called cold oxidation, can
form virgin water.^2
Riess was able to tap straight into formations of hard desert rock
of the right composition and produce as much as 3,000 gallons per


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