Love Never Fails

(Ben Green) #1

what God wants to reproduce in our
recreated, born-again spirits because of the
life of Christ and the Holy Spirit within.
What are the characteristics of the God-
kind of love that has been shed abroad in
our hearts? God didn't leave us in the dark.
The Psalmist of old said, "The entrance of thy
words giveth light...." (Ps. 119:130).
Now let's go to the thirteenth chapter of
First Corinthians. It's to be regretted that
the translators of the King James Version
translated the Greek word for divine love,
agape, as "charity." I don't think we
understand exactly what Paul is saying
here about "charity."
My favorite translation of this discourse
on divine love is from The Amplified Bible. It
starts with the fourth verse of First
Corinthians 13:
"Love [divine love, the love of God]
endures long.... " But some say, "I'm not
going to put up with that anymore. I've had
it up to here!" That's the natural talking,

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