264 SubjectIndex
European Union (EU):
corporate governance and, 175–176, 183
integration of finance and governance,
(See also names of specific countries)
Expenses, matching revenues with, 93–94
Filter technique, 21
Financial alchemy, 81–86
Financial leverage index, 130
401(k) accounts, 76, 77
Fractals, 44–46
France, mergers and acquisitions, 185
Fraud detection, 219
Free rider strategy, 73, 76
Fundamental analysis, 70–75
Fundamental efficiency, 26
corporate governance and, 175
globalization and, 187
information and, 188, 189
mergers and acquisitions and, 180, 185
social responsibility and, 177
Glass-Steagall Act, 174, 187, 190
Globalization, 52, 113, 171–191
accounting and, 181–183, 219
capital markets and, 186–187
corporate governance and, 172–176, 183–
information and, 188–189
mergers and acquisitions, 178–180, 184–
orientation of board, 195–200
shareholder primacy and, 172–176, 180,
social responsibility and, 176–179
Goodwill, 136–137, 154
Greater fool theory, 69
Hexponent, 35–36
Half Movement, at General Electric, 227
Hedge funds, 15
Hoaxes, 53–58
Hockey puck problem, 38, 47
Holding period, 87
Hostile takeovers, 178–180, 184–186, 214–215
Implied cap rate, 149
Income allocation, 77–78
Index funds, 73–74, 99
Individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 76,
Inflation, in valuation process, 103, 136
Information volatility, 51–59
negative, 52–59
positive, 52
Informational efficiency, 26
Infrastructure fortification, at Coca-Cola,
Initial public offerings (IPOs), 8–9
Inside tips, 56
Insider effect, 11
Integrated diversity, at General Electric,
223, 225, 226
Intelligent Investor, The(Graham), 22, 134
Interest rates:
risk-free, 102, 141, 142
in valuation process, 102
Internet, 8–9
and Disney, 232
and General Electric, 228–229
rise of, 113
Webcasting, 54
Interpretation of Financial Statements, The
(Graham), 121
Intrinsic time, 46–47
Inventory turnover, 124–125
Investment banking, 174, 187, 190
Italy, mergers and acquisitions, 185
January effect, 11
accounting and, 181–182
corporate governance and, 176, 184
globalization and, 185, 187
information and, 189
stoc kmar ket bubble, 9, 84
Joseph effect, 46–47
Lake Woebegon syndrome, 117
Learning culture:
at Coca-Cola, 239–240
at General Electric, 227, 228
Leverage, 123–124, 129, 130
Limit cycle attractors, 43
Linear testing, 33–36
Liquidation value, 135–136
Liquidity ratio, 122–123
Long-term approach, 86–88
Loyalty, duty of, 178
Lyapunov exponents (LEs), 43–44