How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett

(Martin Jones) #1
SubjectIndex 267

Transaction volatility, 59–63
Tulip bulb mania, 9, 10
24-hour trading, 62
Typhus, 4

United Kingdom:
accounting and, 182–183
corporate governance and, 172–176, 183–
information and, 188–189
Unsystematic risk, 29

Valuation, 70–75, 83, 91–103
assets in, 134–138
boo kvalue in, 134–138
capitalization of earnings method, 95–
96, 98, 99, 133, 138–142
circle of competence and, 105–118
compounding in, 100–102
discounted cash flow method, 96–98,
99, 133, 144–145
inflation in, 103, 136
interest rates in, 102

Valuation (Cont.):
margin of safety and, 134, 142–144
market circularity and, 146–149
ratio analysis in, 119–132, 147–149
taxes and, 102–103
Value Line effect, 11
Vividness bias, 118
Volatility, 51–67
business, 31–32
information, 51–59
market, 5–8, 34
prognosis for market and, 66–67
trader, 63–66
transaction, 59–63

Wall Street rule, 172
Watergate, 13
Wea kform efficiency, 23–25
Webcasting, 54
Weekend effect, 11
Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?(Schwed),
5, 222
Work-Out, at General Electric, 225–227,
228, 229, 230
Working capital, 120–121
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