Lawrence A. Cunninghamis professor of law at the Benjamin N.
Cardozo Law School of Yeshiva University in New Yor kCity and
director of The Samuel and Ronnie Heyman Center on Corporate
Governance at Cardozo, where he has taught since 1992. From 1988
to 1992, he was an associate with Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where
he practiced corporate and securities law. Professor Cunningham
has written numerous books and dozens of articles on accounting,
business, finance, investing, and related policy matters, including an
internationally acclaimed collection of Warren Buffett’s letters to
Berkshire Hathaway shareholders,The Essays of Warren Buffet: Les-
sons for Corporate America, and the widely used textbookIntroduc-
tory Accounting and Finance for Lawyers. Professor Cunningham has
taught and lectured widely, in the United States and abroad, at
schools and business organizations of all kinds. He has served as a
consultant to corporate boards of directors, law and accounting
firms, and regulatory and standard-setting bodies. He has been fea-
tured inForbesandMoney,andonCNNandThe Motley Fool Radio
Show, and has appeared on or been quoted in scores of other broad-
cast and print media. Professor Cunningham is a magna cum laude
graduate of Cardozo and earned his B.A. in economics from the
University of Delaware. He was born and raised in Wilmington, Del-
aware, and now resides in New Yor kCity with his wife, JoAnna Cun-
ningham. Professor Cunningham is an investor and may hold se-
curities of some of the companies discussed in this book
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